The story of Panther’s Eye Roasting Company begins in the spring of 2010, when a group of passionate individuals decided to pursue their love for coffee and create a roasting company. Starting out as Panther’s Eye, the team quickly realized that they needed a shorter name that was easier to remember. They settled on the acronym PERC, which became the company’s moniker.
In the early days, Panther’s Eye was based out of the cooler of an old Starland dairy, with just a roaster, some tunes, and a bike. The founder would roast coffee, hop on his bike, and ride around offering samples to folks. He also began selling bags at the Forsyth Farmers Market and brewing pour-overs at local events, which helped him get to know the community.
As the company began to gain momentum and secure wholesale accounts, the founder knew he needed to expand the team. He hired his first two employees, who happened to be his parents. Together, they worked to build a team of passionate individuals who shared a common goal: to roast and share “dang good” coffee.
As the company continued to grow, the team outgrew their small shop and moved into a larger building on the East side. Here, they installed a new roaster with more capacity and created a space called PERCSHOP, where they could serve coffee, hold public cuppings, and engage with the community over coffee.
Throughout their journey, the team at PERC remained committed to their core values of quality, community, and sustainability. They continue to roast and share their delicious coffee with people all over, while staying true to their roots and the passion that started it all.